#6 Oil Change
The routine oil change is one of the most critical, inexpensive and least difficult procedures to perform on your vehicle. You should use the oil viscosity recommended by the manufacturer. Oil pressure in modern engines can control valve timing as well as tension on the timing belt.
Oil (correct grade and viscosity)
OIl Filter
Wrench for drain plug
Oil filter wrench
Drip pan
The routine oil change is one of the most critical, inexpensive and least difficult procedures to perform on your vehicle. You should use the oil viscosity recommended by the manufacturer. Oil pressure in modern engines can control valve timing as well as tension on the timing belt.
Oil (correct grade and viscosity)
OIl Filter
Wrench for drain plug
Oil filter wrench
Drip pan
- The engine should be warm but not to hot that you will burn yourself on the oil or exhaust.
- Chock the wheels, elevate the vehicle if necessary. Don’t rely solely on the jack, use jack stands and or a tire underneath the vehicle.
- Double check that your oil and filter are the correct grade, viscosity and size for your make and model vehicle
- Loosen drain plug with a wrench. A combination or box end wrench allows for direct pressure to the drain plug. A socket can easily slip and round the edges of the bolt. Before removing the plug ensure your drip pan is nearby. A tip is to apply pressure on the drain plug as you unthread it. Then remove swifty to allow the oil to come out freely.
- Once the oil has finished draining, replace the plug (inspect the gasket/washer on the plug for damage (replace if worn) move the drip pan underneath the oil filter location.
- Remove the oil filter (there will be more oil that drains from the filter location). Ensure that the gasket for the oil filter came off with the old filter. It is possible for the gasket to stick to the engine block or remote oil filter location.
- Add a small amount of oil to the new filter, and lubricate around the new gasket (double checking that a new one is there and ensuring the old one is removed. Install the new filter, Hand tight is tight enough-do not use a wrench to tighten an oil filter.
- Add recommended amount of oil, run engine to operating temperature, let cool and recheck the oil level.