-Contrast the effects of DCEN and DCEP and AC on surface cleaning, electrode life and weld characteristics
-Select the proper welding source, shielding gas, flow rate, tungsten electrode type and diameter, nozzle size, filler metal used to produce an acceptable welding using GTAW
-Properly assemble the parts of a GTAW station
-Correctly prepare a tungsten electrode for welding with AC and DC power sources
-Correctly prepare metals for welding and create acceptable welds on all types of joints in all positions
-Correctly set and adjust the welding current and shielding gas flow rate
-Weld different base metals using GTAW process
-Identify the potential safety hazards of using GTAW process in a working environment and describe ways of safely dealing with these hazards
-Pass a safety test on the proper and safe use of GTAW process.
-Select the proper welding source, shielding gas, flow rate, tungsten electrode type and diameter, nozzle size, filler metal used to produce an acceptable welding using GTAW
-Properly assemble the parts of a GTAW station
-Correctly prepare a tungsten electrode for welding with AC and DC power sources
-Correctly prepare metals for welding and create acceptable welds on all types of joints in all positions
-Correctly set and adjust the welding current and shielding gas flow rate
-Weld different base metals using GTAW process
-Identify the potential safety hazards of using GTAW process in a working environment and describe ways of safely dealing with these hazards
-Pass a safety test on the proper and safe use of GTAW process.
AC balance
% Lanthanated, Thoriated, Ceriated...etc
AC balance
% Lanthanated, Thoriated, Ceriated...etc
Laboratory focus
-Sharpening of tungsten
-Welding machine setup
-AC/DC What's the difference?
-AC balance
-Welding machine setup
-AC/DC What's the difference?
-AC balance